Sunday, February 11, 2007


I was searching the web trying to find ways to make realistic satin textures. This came up because I was making a set of taiji attire, the type that people wear at wushu and taiji competitions. Well, the methods for Photoshop have been explained on Natalia's homepage (or rather, a link from her page), but they don't seem to work for GIMP.

Actually, the method is almost the same. I started off with using a blank texture, and drawing 5 short lines using linear gradient in difference mode. Then, using a Gaussian blur filter, with 30 pixel setting, I blurred the texture. Here comes the difference. In Photoshop, to get the final effect, you would use Find Edges. For GIMP, you need to use Emboss. Playing around with the settings for Emboss, I managed to get this.
Then, adding a layer on top of this, I coloured this new layer red, and set opacity to 50%, and this is the end result. Of course, I just need to change the colour of this layer to get different coloured satin textures.

1 comment:

Lena Lei said...

I don't know if you check your comments on posts this old, but I just now came across your blog. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in this tutorial on making satin textures using Gimp.