Saturday, March 24, 2007

Basic camisoles

Recently, I tried my hands at making camisoles. These are very basic, simple ones, based on a single template. The camisoles have a simple lace pattern lining the upper edge, and is available in white, cyan, pink and beige.

There is also a similar design, which has a see-through lace instead of the block solid one. This design is available in white, cyan, pink, yellow and beige. What I did was to set the alpha channel of the lace to gray instead of white, so instead of being opaque, it is now semi-transparent, ie. see-through.

And of course, there is also the black colour camisole that I made, which comes with white see-through lace at the top edge.
All these camisoles are made using the undershirt layer, and you can wear shirts, blouses, dresses or jackets over them. Or just wear them by themselves if that is your desire.

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